Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thar she blows

(CNN) -- Mount Redoubt volcano in southern Alaska has erupted again, shooting ash as high as 45,000 feet in the air on Saturday, experts said.
Photo: Associated Press
(Anchorage Daily News) -- People around town reported that "snow went from white to gray in a matter of a few minutes as the ash started to fall on the ground," said Rick Wessels, a geophysicist at the volcano observatory.

By 6 p.m., the ash cloud had spread across Anchorage. The Weather Service classified the ash fall from the afternoon eruption as minor, between a trace and an eighth of an inch.

"For normal, healthy people and for your cars and things like that, it will have small, minimal effect," Ludwig said about the first ash cloud to coat Anchorage. "It's an annoyance."

...but, the Anchorage International Airport is officially CLOSED. Such a bummer as I am all packed and ready to go! Tim and George and I are hoping we can be rescheduled for Monday morning. Fingers crossed.


  1. Hi Lena! Laura Henry-Stone here. I'm excited that you guys have blogs for your practicum--how fun! But what a "volcanic" frustration, eh? Good luck!

